What surgical treatments are available for hemorrhoids?
Whenever possible, the specialists at Chicago Surgical recommend minimally invasive hemorrhoid treatments, such as band ligation. For this procedure, your surgeon wraps a small “rubber band” around the base of the hemorrhoid, which cuts off blood supply to the vein and causes it to wither and die, usually within two to three days.
Another very successful, minimally invasive procedure used for hemorrhoids is transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD). During THD, your surgeon uses ultrasound guidance to locate the rectal artery feeding the hemorrhoid.
Once located, your surgeon ties off the blood supply, causing the targeted hemorrhoid to shrink and die. The prolapsed tissue is also replaced into its normal anatomic position. Thus, the functionality of the anal sphincter mechanism is greatly improved. THD is often as effective as traditional hemorrhoid surgery (hemorrhoidectomy), with less post-surgical pain and quicker return to normal activities.
You can rely on the surgeons at the top-rated Chicago Surgical Clinic to recommend the most effective treatment available for your hemorrhoids. Schedule an appointment online or by phone today.