How are abscesses treated?
Your Chicago Surgical Clinic surgeon designs your treatment based on the location, type, and size of your abscess. While your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to help eliminate the infection-causing bacteria, the only definitive treatment is to drain the material filling an abscess.
This is usually accomplished with an incision and drainage, during which your surgeon makes a small incision in the skin overlying the abscess. This allows the pus and other contents to drain. Certain abscesses may require a more extensive surgical procedure to repair the tissue damage caused by the infection, and to prevent a recurrence.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin condition that causes numerous hair follicles to become infected throughout an area, such as under your arms or in the groin region. Tunnels under the skin can connect the affected follicles and fill with pus. Rather than a simple incision and drainage, your surgeon may choose to “unroof” the tunnels and remove the affected tissue.
For expert care if you have an abscess, call Chicago Surgical Clinic or schedule an appointment online today.